How to achieve mastery of Microsoft 365?

How to achieve mastery of Microsoft 365?

Your employer has great interest in that you and your colleague master Microsoft 365, as it leads to better results and increased productivity on the organisational level. The common method for getting the individual there is to provide training in the form of trainer-led courses on how the individual apps function and where to click to perform an action. This has shown not to be very effective for most information workers in accomplishing the necessary shifts in behaviours and mindset. If you really want to achieve a mastery of Microsoft 365 that is stable, sustainable, flexible, adaptable, and that provides you value for…
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What does mastering Microsoft 365 entail?

What does mastering Microsoft 365 entail?

What does it entail to master Microsoft 365? The prevailing understanding of mastering Microsoft 365 is to know how to program for Microsoft 365 or how to learn about the apps and how to use them. The focus is very much on the technology.  A Google search on the term "mastering Microsoft 365" confirms this. There are only books and articles on the technology side of Microsoft 365. It is like if you would search for "master driving a car" or "learning to ride a bike" (or any complex situation where your brain needs to coordinate your actions) would give you how to build…
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Why master Microsoft 365?

Why master Microsoft 365?

Your employer would surely like you to master Microsoft 365; they have a lot of reasons for wanting that. But what is in it for you? Why would you from your side want to spend the energy and the time to develop mastery of Microsoft 365? Showing your managers that you are eager and will to learn to work in the new ways could absolutely be one reason. Having that kind of employee works for any manager as you will be helping him or her towards achieving his or her objectives to get the subordinates to collaborate and communicate in…
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