Here you can find links to good resources on the web that can help you improve your leadership on your digital workplace (Office 365).
The page is under construction, and more links will be added in the coming weeks.
Adoption and change management (ACM) for Office 365
- Change Management Framework for Office 365 (by Microsoft)
- Stay on top of Office 365 changes (by Microsoft)
Training for Office 365
- Office 365 Training Center (by Microsoft)
- Video-based storytelling for Office 365 (by Storyals)
- End user training for Microsoft Teams (by Microsoft)
Habit formation
- Podcast “The ONE thing – Atomic habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones” (with James Clear)
- Tiny Habits (by BJ Fogg)
- Power of Habits (by Charles Duhigg)