How to develop robust habits for OneNote

How to develop robust habits for OneNote

It is important to make it as easy as possible to do the behaviours. So seeing up OneNote in a right way is crucial for you to be able to success with your new habit of using OneNote for managing your notes. Yes, it requires work. And yes it requires some learning. But without it gaining the habit of using OneNote for your note taking will be so much more difficult. Adding some friction to performing the old habit And as post of this is to friction to executing the old behavior in note taking. Maybe you have taken your…
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How to develop robust habits for Microsoft To-Do

How to develop robust habits for Microsoft To-Do

If you want to get into the habit of using the app To-Do for your daily task management, here are some suggestions as to what you can do. If you haven't read our general analysis of habits for Office 365, I recommend you do that first. The advice in this post build on that page, you see. Reduce the task. One suggestion is that you aim for fulfilling the follow habit for a number days: "I will open up the To-Do app every morning and perform the "My Day" planning for one task". Do you think it feels silly to…
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How to develop robust habits for Office 365

How to develop robust habits for Office 365

Going from not making use of a specific app of Office 365 to using it on a daily basis requires the development of new habits (either one or several). In this post I'll take a look at how you can successfully develop new habits for the various Office 365 apps. Developing habits for the digital workplace is no different from developing habits for other areas in your life. So we can use the theory and practice of habit formation proposed by experts such as BJ Fogg, James Clear and Charles Duhigg (for good resources on habit formation, see our Resource…
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